Sunday, October 18, 2009


By definition, landscape photos are an expanse of scenery visible in one capture (or something close to that). With that in mind, here are a few of mine. The top photo is a capture of Camel's Hump at sunset. I tried to follow the rule of thirds, while allowing a little more silhouette. The waterfall photo was shot using a Neutral Density filter (these act like really strong sunglasses and cut down the light significantly, allowing the use of slower shutter speeds). I like the angle of the tree limb and think that it adds a lot of depth to the shot. The photo of the fog I tried to create a diagonal in the viewers mind between the trees because of the angle and how that affected their positioning.

I am hopeful that I can get out tomorrow and shoot a couple more...will update my blog if I can.


  1. Great pictures. I especially like the beautiful sunset.

  2. You did a great job with the pictures- It's obvious you are getting a lot out of the class.

  3. Beautiful! You have reminded me of some links for special photography scenarios that I need to put up. Figures Bb is "down" right now...


Let me know what you think!