Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 4: Lighting Effects

Kept waiting for decent weather...realized I better just make do. are four photos of the same object taken in different lighting conditions. Each is labeled but here's a little more information. I make reference to my "light-tent"'s a video thing I made to show how I made my tent. I started a group on Flickr a few years ago and made this video for that, but thought you might find it useful as well. Sorry if I swear in it (can't remember, but probably). Light tent construction the first example, I set up the light tent as I normally would but then had my flourescent light shine through a red screen to add a little bit of color to my subject. For the 2nd photo, I used the light tent without the colored screen. In the 3rd photo, I used the light tent but shot it using a Gary Fong Lightsphere Cloud Diffuser I love this thing for portraits....and anytime you really need clean light and control of shadows. For my 4th photo, I took my subject out on the porch and shot it in natural light. Not big changes in how I shot them.....but some pretty noticeable differences in the results!


  1. Very cool how you have done this with the different lighting. It is obvious that you are a professional photographer. Great job!

  2. Very cool. I like the first one. The purple of the background goes well with the colour the light makes the skeleton.

  3. Good job, I like how each lighting makes the skeleton a different color.


Let me know what you think!